Sensei Michael Howley, also known as Sifu Michael, has dedicated over 20 years to mastering Chinese Kenpo Karate. Under the instruction of Sifu Mark Steuver, Sensei Michael has honed his skills with precision and passion. His journey in martial arts emphasizes traditional techniques and disciplined training, and his current role at ActivStars Athletics sees him assisting at the Casa Grande, AZ, location, where he continues to inspire students to reach their full potential.
Fun Fact
Sensei Michael is a true fan of the classics! He enjoys the timeless music of The Beatles, the witty charm of Rocky and Bullwinkle, and the profound storytelling of To Kill a Mockingbird. With a love for nostalgia, he welcomes students to join his classes and chat with him about these beloved icons. Fearless by nature, Sensei Michael once kissed a goat and counts only death as his one true fear. His favorite cereal is Honey Nut Cheerios, and he never says no to a good steak.
With his wealth of knowledge and unwavering dedication to ActivStars Athletics, Sensei Michael Howley is a remarkable mentor who cultivates resilience, skill, and respect in each student he teaches.
Call (480) 571-7689 For Registration Information
Cholla Elementary School
1180 E. Korsten Rd., Casa Grande, AZ 85122